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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Vocabulary - Book Terms

Gutter - Space in between paragraphs
Bleed - Space that doesn't print
Roman Hanging Punctuation - punctuation that happens outside the box
Ty­pog­ra­phy - the vi­sual com­po­nent of the writ­ten word
A serif is the little extra stroke or curves, at the ends of letters.
Sans Serif
A sans serif font does not include any extra stroke at the ends of the letters.



A monospaced font, (also known as a fixed-pitch, fixed-width, or non-proportional font) is a font whose letters and characters each occupies the same amount of horizontal space.
Tracking is similar to kerning in that it refers to the spacing between letters or characters. However, instead of focusing on the spacing between individual letters (kerning), tracking measures space between groups of letters.
Lorem Ipsum
Dummy text used by the design industry. It’s used as placeholder text and has a more-or-less average distribution of letters, making it look like readable English, as opposed to using ‘Add content here, add content here’ within designs when the copy isn’t quite ready.

Analogous color schemes use colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. They usually match well and create serene and comfortable designs.



Colors that are opposite from each other on the color wheel that are deeply contrasted.


*Though there are no set rules for when to use a serif or sans serif font, it’s suggested that sans serif fonts should be used for online body text and serif fonts for headlines and print.


A triadic color scheme uses colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel.



A color model that is used for print purposes. CMYK colors begin as white and then get darker as more colors are combined.
CMYK colors
Pantone Matching System

The Pantone Matching System (PMS) is a standardized color reproduction system. Every hue is given a number, making it easy for people to reference and reproduce the same colors.

Logomark - using a symbol or a mark to represent the company
Logotype - name of company that is designed in an unusual way

Drop Cap
The first letter that is enlarged at the beginning of a paragraph.


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