Assignments Calendar

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Different Categories of a Paragraph

  • Sidebars
  • Captions
  • Body text
  • Heads
  • Deckheads
  • Bylines
  • Credits
  • Subheads

Different Types of Articles

  • Lead Story
  • Second Story
  • Short news items
  • Feature and sidebar
  • Editor's letter
  • Reader's letters
  • Spotlight
  • Neighborhood report
  • Calendar of events
  • Table of Contents

Adobe Color Themes

  • Allows you to select from a handful of color palettes for the color of the book

Fundamentals -Color-coding each layer with rectangle box for images and text

  • for planning images and text, it is useful to first plan each page out with rectangle tool
  • the rectangle tool is applied to a layer intended for either text or images
  • color-coding each layer so that when we use rectanle text tool we plan out the documents by assessing which text box is an image and which one is a text
  • one layer with rectangle is blue and and then another layer with rectangle is red

  • as you can see, by double-clicking on color icon next to layer title, we see a pop-up showing what color we want that layer to defined with. this is helpful for organizing the layers that each contain specific kind of content (images, text, etc.)

text-frame tool

  • Using the text frame tool to plan out the spaces of each page (i,e, images and text)

Text Dragging within Box - Edit>Preferences>Type

  • Edit>Preferences>Type
  • Check "enable in view" so text within text boxes can be selected and dragged wherever

Selecting and draging text box box into another text box

  • grab the blue square in text box and hilding shift, release when box is in the text box you want it to be in

En Space

  • Richt-clicking text box
  • Insert>En Space

Inserting Page Number - Insert

  • Right-click text box
  • Insert Special Character>Markers>Current Page Number

Adjusting Margins FILE > Document Setup

  • FILE > Document Setup

  • adjusting margins here

Going to Master Page

  • On the right hand-side of workspace is the pages panel
  • double-click on "Master Page" text on the top of panel to access the Master Page

Essential Hotkeys

CTRL+B - Text Box Options
CTRL+R - Ruler
CTRL+G - Group
P - Pen
V - Select
T - Text
M - Rectangle Tool
A - Direct Selection Tool
CTRL+L - Lock
CTRL+J - Go to Page
CTRL+ALT+0 - Fit in View
Z - Zoom

Layout > Create Guides

  • Layout > Create Guides
  • Allows you to adjust where guides go on a page

  • adding 1 each to rows and columns with "Fit Guides to Margins" selected" we are placing guides on the corners of document

as you can see guides are on the corners

Planning the Newsletter: 5 things

  • Readership
  • Tone
  • Frequency
  • Advertising
  • Distribution

Creating a Successful e-Newsletter


  • Being Informative - items about prices, deadlines, events coming up
  • Be careful not to include too much about Sales (i.e. make sure that the sale is tactful; "saving 35%" and usually leave it at that
  • Keep it brief and aim for a click
  • Be reliable and consistent
  • Have a compelling opening line
  • Respond
  • Let them opt out easily lists other essential parts to a good e-newsletter:

Blog posts
Tips, tactics, how-to’s, and tutorials
Industry news/third party news
Events, dates to remember, and holidays
Interesting facts
Contests/contest winners
Company news: updates, improvements, new products, awards, volunteer projects, etc.
Webinars or videos

Wednesday, May 27, 2020



  • a demo reel I created recently in After Effects highlighting my skills in the software applications that I primarily work in

Printing in CMYK

  •  By default, InDesign will use CMYK for printing

InDesign - User Guide